MT-Quiz-Import Premium Version


In the Mt-Quiz-Import –Premium version , you will get to import all types of quiz types from excel spreadsheet to Wp-Pro-Quiz  like

  1. Not only different questions but also different quizzes (single and multi answer type)
  2. Custom score for each question.
  3. Single & Multiple answer type from same excel sheet
  4. Matrix type,
  5. Cloze Type
  6. Assessment answer typetype
  7. Sort answer type
  8. Free answer type
  9. Import Images with text
  10. Import Youtube videos in questions and text (New)
  11. 5 – Options single answer type
  12. Math type quests ( square root,cube root, subscript,superscripts)
  13. Colour text in the excel file and import .
  14. License is for one site Only and API will lock to one domain. If you want to buy  site license in bulk (min five) , you can get it for 40% discount provided you buy immediately while  checking out . For more than 10 discount is 50%.

Special excel template for each type of quiz will be provided. You must UNZIP file after downloading . The plug in, help guide and templates are inside the Unzipped folder


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MT-Quiz-Import Premium Version